Good Morning,
TGIF! I bought this cute little journal this past weekend, and I decided to start working in it this past Tuesday on the day I lost my mom several years ago! What I have found in this life is that sometimes it is so necessary to "get out of our comfort zone." It is precisely that zone where we find security, confidence, and many other attributes that we need to be secure in ourselves. However, to achieve great things, we have to move farther... and that is scary! At least it is for me! Henceforth, this journal-- it is a journal for you to describe 365 acts of bravery of yourself and to self reflect where it is that you are headed. Personally, I got it to help me grow! This journal begins with this profound quote, "Do Something Everyday that Scares You!" WOW! What in the world? As I read, I discovered this quote is attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt who by nature was very shy, frightened, and gawky at times. We all know that she was thrown into the public eye when her husband was elected as president of the United States. Obviously, she was able to build courage and accomplish great things! So, friends, what are three things that scare you? What are some things that you are wanting to accomplish but it scares you? Or... what are some things in life that scare you?
Just what are they? Write them down! Share them with me! Let's "Nip them in the bud" together! More specifically, teachers what scares you? Empowerment comes from being okay with being a "risk-taker!" Does that scare you? I have included information on where you can find this little, yet powerful journal!
Happy Friday!
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