Monday, December 14, 2015

A New Book I am Reading to Go Along With My Journal...

Good Morning!

I am reading a great book that I thought I would slowly share with you all in that I am really enjoying it! While I probably would have chosen a different title.... you'll see why soon... it really is a great uplifting self help book to boost your confidence! The title is, "You Are a Bad---: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life!" The author of this piece of work is Jen Sincero and her website is: I have found this to be a great piece of work for helping you step out of your comfort zone and getting out there and living your dream! In her introduction, she begins by discussing that she felt like she was living a "lukewarm" life with some occasional flare-ups of awesomeness here and there. She states that she absolutely knew that she was a rock star, and that she also knew that she could leap small buildings in a single bound! So... this book is about getting really clear in what makes you tick and what makes you REALLY happy and what makes you feel most alive, and then you getting busy creating it instead of pretending that you can't have it! So, here it is in a nutshell--

I absolutely think this quote is profound -- the poet Anais Nin -- stated: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom!" Now, doesn't that just say a complete mouthful!

Jen finishes the introduction by saying that she encourages us to have an open mind...

"If you want to live a life that you have never had, you have to do things that you have never done!"

So, what is it that you have been dreaming about? What would you like to do? I have included some goals worksheets links for you to go to so that you can download some helpful tools that might help you out! I am on this journey as well... let's work together! Now, get busy and enjoy this Christmas holiday... New Year's resolutions are right around the corner you know!!

These links that I have included I believe that you will find them to be most helpful! Have fun and enjoy this process with me! I'm learning as well... including how to blog LOL

Have a great Monday!


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