Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year's Eve!

Check out these mirrored tiles....

This listing features 4" x 4" monogrammed mirror tiles that are beautiful to lay on a dresser or to place a small votive on for added decor. Buyer can choose the color of the monogram and the letter!

Another Item for All of You Superwomen Who Love Life!

Check out these zebra placemats...

This listing is a set of zebra placemats with a Valentine heart with a breast cancer awareness ribbon in the heart! This bright pink heart is full of color and sure to give your table a fun and "WOW"effect! Each placemat is $3.00 and a set of four is $12.00.

Beautiful Red Charger... Amazing Grace!

Check out this beautiful red charger to accent your dining table for Valentines or just to show your "Superwoman" abilities to make your table gorgeous! Red chargers can be sold individually or as a set -- $3.00 each or set of four $12.00!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wine Stems for Your Valentine... Check this Out Superwomen!

Good Evening All!

Check out these monogrammed wine stems... choose your monogram letter and your color of vinyl... set of four for $12.00!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Goals for 2016? Whew!

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Tuesday! The new year is approaching like a 747 landing... need I say very quickly indeed! This morning as I opened my inbox, I receive a weekly email from the Female Entrepreneur Association, and I do have to say that I look forward each week to getting this email! This morning I was able to watch a ten minute "masterclass" webinar on setting goals for 2016. As I think about what I want to accomplish in 2016, this advice is noteworthy so I wanted to share it with you! Michelle Simmonds, a life coach and INTUITIVE SUCCESS COACH . was the guest speaker and you can hop on over to her website as well for awesome advice. In her ten minute masterclass on establishing your 2016 goals, she gives five tips or pieces of advice shall we say! I would love to share them with you all. First, she stated to release your resentment or give yourself permission for it to be okay that you were not able to accomplish everything on you goal list for 2015. Relieve the pressure and know that, "Life Happens!" Secondly, and I do believe this piece of advice is huge... establish incremental goals for yourself! I have experienced this firsthand in several areas of my life; the one that comes to mind first is that of going back to school to be a student again in my educational career. in 1994 (what seems life 100 years ago), I decided I would return to graduate school to pursue my doctorate of philosophy degree in curriculum and instruction and administration. This degree included an additional 148 hours because of the minors that I aspired to have as well. There were many, many times that I told myself that I would never finish. There was even one semester that I didn't register I was so burned out with school; however, my mother had the forethought to go ahead and register me despite my kicking and screaming. From that day forward, I set incremental goals in pursuing that degree, and in May of 1999 I graduated! This piece of advice is huge and it works!! Thirdly, Michelle suggested that as you look at your proposed goals for 2016, give some thought to your list being formulated from a holistic perspective meaning look at your goals from the following categories, if you will, to determine what are your goals holistically... (1) spirituality; (2) financially; (3) emotionally; (4) physically; (5) relationships; (6) personal development; and (7) travel. Next, reward yourself for achieving a goal, and you might even look at rewarding yourself for achieving an incremental goal. Your reward should parallel to the size of your goal. Finally, her fifth piece of advice is to utilize some mental energy and "drop down into your heart area (leaving your mind area)" and ask yourself does this goal align with your values? Does this goal "feel right?" Visualize your goals happening and then make sure that you put into place plans of action to make them happen!

Throughout this entire week, we will continue to look at tools to help you "SUPERWOMEN" be all that you can be!

I'm cheering for you!

This is not me! LOL... This is Michelle! I wanted to make sure that you have the right Michelle because as you could expect it there are several Michelle's out there in cyberspace! Read more of her advice... she really seems to be right on target!

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Risk of Indecision?

Good Evening All,

Well, Drew has been at his grandparent's house this weekend so Alan and myself got the chance to do a few things alone!!! Imagine that!!! On Saturday, we drove over to Meridian and toured Merrehope to view the different Christmas trees. I will upload some of the pictures-- they are absolutely beautiful to say the least! We had a great time! I have included a picture of the mansion for a sneak preview... more pictures to follow later this week!

You just can not believe how beautiful all of it is. There is a tree in each room with a different theme. This year each tree is themed after a different Mississippi author! Beautiful, I say! Beautiful! Well, when I opened my journal early this morning, this was the quote for the day, "The Risk of a Wrong Decision is Preferable to the Terror of Indecision." As I begin to think about this, I thought how profound. More simply put... it is better to make the wrong decision sometimes than to make no decision at all! Where do you fall on the spectrum of the decision-making process? Sometimes, it is hard to know what is the best decision to make and if one is doing the right thing! Lord knows, I have made some good messes of things to say the least! So, I am assuming that we can all use a bit of guidance where our decision making skills are concerned... Right? Stay tuned... I am going to do my investigative work EARLY in the morning! Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite!

Good Night!


Sunday, December 20, 2015

What's Your Deeper Purpose?

Introduction to my book I'm reading... Jen asks the question, "Are you going through the motions of living a lukewarm life with occasional flare-ups of awesomeness here and there?" She states, "Don't you know that you are a total rock star?"

To connect with your deeper purpose, we all must make one simple shift -- We must go from WANTING to change our life to DECIDING to change our life!

We live in a world of limitless possibilities! Do you believe that anything is possible anyway? Put your disbelief aside, roll up your sleeves, and take some risks, and go for it! Live your dreams!

Stay Tuned for the Next Post ... Part I: Chapter 1: My Subconscious Made Me Do It!

Templates for Planning...

Friday, December 18, 2015

When Two Paths Open Before You, Take the Harder One!

Good Evening Friends,

Well, it's a week before Christmas! Are you all ready for the most wonderful time of the year? I am certainly not ready yet! Honestly, I'm not really even sure what I still might need to get! While reading and writing in my journal this morning, this title was my topic: When two paths open before you, take the harder one! 

Robert Frost shared this idea so well in his work, The Road Not Taken:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

What does this mean to you... 

Monday, December 14, 2015

A New Book I am Reading to Go Along With My Journal...

Good Morning!

I am reading a great book that I thought I would slowly share with you all in that I am really enjoying it! While I probably would have chosen a different title.... you'll see why soon... it really is a great uplifting self help book to boost your confidence! The title is, "You Are a Bad---: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life!" The author of this piece of work is Jen Sincero and her website is: I have found this to be a great piece of work for helping you step out of your comfort zone and getting out there and living your dream! In her introduction, she begins by discussing that she felt like she was living a "lukewarm" life with some occasional flare-ups of awesomeness here and there. She states that she absolutely knew that she was a rock star, and that she also knew that she could leap small buildings in a single bound! So... this book is about getting really clear in what makes you tick and what makes you REALLY happy and what makes you feel most alive, and then you getting busy creating it instead of pretending that you can't have it! So, here it is in a nutshell--

I absolutely think this quote is profound -- the poet Anais Nin -- stated: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom!" Now, doesn't that just say a complete mouthful!

Jen finishes the introduction by saying that she encourages us to have an open mind...

"If you want to live a life that you have never had, you have to do things that you have never done!"

So, what is it that you have been dreaming about? What would you like to do? I have included some goals worksheets links for you to go to so that you can download some helpful tools that might help you out! I am on this journey as well... let's work together! Now, get busy and enjoy this Christmas holiday... New Year's resolutions are right around the corner you know!!

These links that I have included I believe that you will find them to be most helpful! Have fun and enjoy this process with me! I'm learning as well... including how to blog LOL

Have a great Monday!


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Behold the Turtle!

Good Evening All!

So, I was back in my small journal which I mentioned in a previous post, and this is the quote that I turned too: "Behold the turtle, he only makes progress when he sticks his neck out!" Where do you need to make progress? Is there a dream that you have? What sort of progress are you making on fulfilling your goals and/or your dreams?

Resources and Websites:

This particular website I have found to be awesome in helping you "stick your neck out in making progress" with time management, goal setting, finishing unfinished tasks, etc.



These are only a few of the wonderful resources that I arrived too... look for more tomorrow!

Sleep tight and dream big tonight!


Friday, December 11, 2015

Do One Thing Everyday That Scares You...

Good Morning,

TGIF! I bought this cute little journal this past weekend, and I decided to start working in it this past Tuesday on the day I lost my mom several years ago! What I have found in this life is that sometimes it is so necessary to "get out of our comfort zone." It is precisely that zone where we find security, confidence, and many other attributes that we need to be secure in ourselves. However, to achieve great things, we have to move farther... and that is scary! At least it is for me! Henceforth, this journal-- it is a journal for you to describe 365 acts of bravery of yourself and to self reflect where it is that you are headed. Personally, I got it to help me grow! This journal begins with this profound quote, "Do Something Everyday that Scares You!" WOW! What in the world? As I read, I discovered this quote is attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt who by nature was very shy, frightened, and gawky at times. We all know that she was thrown into the public eye when her husband was elected as president of the United States. Obviously, she was able to build courage and accomplish great things! So, friends, what are three things that scare you? What are some things that you are wanting to accomplish but it scares you? Or... what are some things in life that scare you?




Just what are they? Write them down! Share them with me! Let's "Nip them in the bud" together! More specifically, teachers what scares you? Empowerment comes from being okay with being a "risk-taker!" Does that scare you? I have included information on where you can find this little, yet powerful journal!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Keep Calm... Christmas Break is on It's Way!

You Can Do This Teachers!


Pictures from Last Night's Post! Again, Please Share With All of Your Friends! Superwomen Unite!

Pics of my mentor... My mom... Dr. Karen Hill...

Pictures of my sweet grandchildren... Liam Jace McBride and Lily Kate McBride!

Jade and Krystal converted their entire hall into The Polar Express! SYNERGY girls... SYNERGY!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Long Time Coming...

I guess one could say that two things have inspired me to begin this blog -- one because today is "THE DAY" and the other because of my daughter-in-law who pours her heart and soul into teaching daily. So, as I begin, I will address that today is "THE DAY" first! So, what is today? Today, seven years ago, I lost my best friend, my mom, Dr. Karen Hill, to the ugly monster called cancer. I think that everyone will agree that my mom embodied the term, "SUPERWOMAN." I was completely convinced that she could leap from building to building in a single bound. She had the ability to bring joy to anyone who crossed her path. Many teachers, through the years, have shared with me that they believe, at some point, she may have scolded them for some reason or other. However, they continually state that she did it so lovingly they didn't figure out that she was scolding them until long after they had left her office and even arrived home! Honestly, I would love to have more of those attributes... I tend to be more dogmatic... more forward... more open my mouth when sometimes I could just be quiet kinda person... but not my mother she exemplified kindness, humility, and all those other Godly characteristics that one conjures up when thinking about a Godly woman -- that she was for sure! At different points in my mom's life, she faced difficulties but she faced them with dignity. She would often talk about how early she lost her mom, my grandmother Pauline, and how she missed her not knowing at the time that she would leave this world way too early herself barely 61 and I don't know about you but by my standard that's pretty young to check out of here! Momma never wavered in her faith and even in the darkest of times, she stood strong! I have so much to tell you all about my mother but that will come soon in the form of a book that I promised her I would author... she just didn't know that she would be the subject :) So, be on the look-out! My mom continues to inspire me and I am forever grateful that God chose her to be MY MOM and of course Andrea and Lindy's mom! But, wow, I can't express to you all how proud I am that God chose her to be MY MOM -- my best friend for so long who continues to inspire me to be all that I can be! My mom was always concerned that teachers did not have enough support, and I tend to agree with her. There are so many teachers out there daily giving it everything they have teaching students and they love it immensely -- the good days and the not so good days. However, overall, I don't think they get enough support. One only has to look at the research and one can figure out pretty quick that teachers are leaving the profession in droves... mostly in the first five years of their career never to return-- what a complete loss! And why? As I get the ultimate opportunity to go in and out of classroom daily, I see the tiredness on the faces and the weariness of "what's next?" and the teachers and students are in a proverbial cycle and can not stop spinning for fear of "not getting it all covered." I watch teachers teach SO FAST and never even notice it because of the pressures they are under to perform. It's just plain sad... I remember all too well the days of teaching sixth and seventh grade and in a rural trailer out on the side of campus in a small rural neighborhood school. Life was peaceful, and students AND teachers did not feel such unfair pressure on them... test scores... oh yes, we had them but they didn't rule everything that we did! Okay, so on to the second reason for my inspiration for this blog... BTW... please share with everyone! So, my second reason you ask? It came in a very simple form just this week. I received a text from my daughter-in-law. Now, let me set up the context for this scenario. My oldest son and daughter have two children -- Liam Jace who is 2 1/2 and our princess, Lily Kate, who is four months old. Their mom, my daughter-in-law has been teaching now for five years... just coming into her prime some might say, and she forever more LOVES teaching children. My text message was simply this... she and her team teacher had converted their entire hall into The Polar Express. I have no idea how many hours they had invested in this project but it must have been several all because they knew the students would enjoy it in that they were doing a unit on The Polar Express. Now, here's the deal... two very small children who demand her attention everyday when she gets home and not to mention her grandmother is very, very sick and on hospice with pancreatic cancer, and still she is able to convert her entire hall into The Polar Express and do it with joy and a smile on her face! So, this blog has been created to attempt to identify and resonate with those characteristics that my mother possessed as well as my sweet, young daughter-in-law to keep pushing forward and stay in the professional career that she loves most -- TEACHING! Please share with blog with your friends whether they be educators or not -- "we women" need uplifting and know that we truly are "SUPERWOMEN!" Stay tuned for pictures on Wednesday! Again, please share with all of your friends! Goodnight, Terri