Good Evening All,
As I write tonight, memories are raging in my heart! Today, God called home another true saint. You know I wonder if there will ever come a day when we can finally say that cancer has a cure! Will there ever be a way to completely beat it? I know God has perfect will and perfect timing, and through everything I have been through and every event that I have still yet to walk through, I know that I am not alone and that God will never leave me. I began to verse a book yesterday that I have been contemplating for quite some time and it is my hope that once I really get going that there are several of you that I want to include your thoughts, your perceptions, your perspectives... and maybe that is why this was on my mind so much and then Ms. Rose and the memories just came flooding back... but do they ever leave... no! Does the hurt ever go away? No... just gets easier to learn to live with in time. Today, God rolled out the red carpet and called a saint home -- Rose Perkins, Jade's grandmother... and man what a saint she was! One of the sweetest ladies that I have ever met! She had that dreaded monster you know-- cancer and she fought the good fight! But, you know our body grows tired and weary and longs for home. I saw it firsthand with my mom, and it was terrible to watch her lay there and try to prepare to let her go. But, it didn't matter how hard I tried to prepare myself, I wasn't ready when God was. And so, in the middle of the night, I jumped up as my mom drew her last breath and held her hand as she begin to enter the pearly gates and check her name on the roll and walk the red carpet! Today, Ms. Rose walked the red carpet just like mom-- you see Ms. Rose had been on hospice too and had really grown tired. My heart breaks tonight for Sherry and for Billy because I know they have a broken heart, and there is really nothing anyone can say or do that changes that feeling. But, I know I did and I know they will find comfort in God's Amazing Grace which has always been my stronghold no matter what. As I wrote yesterday about mother and then received this news today about Ms. Rose, Amazing Grace is the first thought that came to my mind. I know that many of you know this; however, just in case you didn't... Amazing Grace was written by John Newton who for the most part grew up as an Atheist and was basically thrown into being a slave trader at a very young age. He stated that he believed that his own father loved him; however, he felt like his father would never want him to know. Nevertheless, one night as John was at sea, storms tossed his ship to and fro' and he thought this would be the end. He cried out to God for mercy and to save him and redeem him. Because of this, he lived to see the next day and not too terribly long after this quit being involved in the trading of slaves and began to study theology. The story behind this song is quite amazing. I can't help but love Chris Tomlin's version of Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone. It is such a blessing to me-- our chains, of course, can be our earthly chains in a very specific sense -- our worries, our sicknesses, our hurts, our anger, etc. My mom's chains were many but of course her biggest chain was that of cancer which ravaged her physical body. And then Ms. Rose-- her biggest chain was that awful monster as well -- pancreatic cancer and it ravaged her body. But, as Christians, we can all rejoice that her chains are gone and she has been set free! On this earth, we will miss sweet Rose, and I know that she is doing fine-- already perfectly healed and restored and doing much better than all of us but heck that just doesn't make it any better for her family, and I guess it just brings back so many memories of mother because of such similar circumstances. I pray that all of her family finds peace and comfort in their faith and God's Amazing Grace that he provides to born again believers. Rest in Peace sweet Rose! We love you!
Here is the link to Chris Tomlin's version of Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone:
Also, I included another one of my most favorite gospel hymns. Mrs. Frances Hill sang it my mother's funeral-- not your typical "funeral" song; however, it has such a strong message that will speak to your heart about that place we all long for -- heaven!
Be sure and click this link:
There is a better place where our Father waits where sin has no place and every tear he will wipe away... there will come a day! Listen and let it speak to you!
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