Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year 2016 Everyone!

What are your plans for 2016? What are your dreams for 2016? What do you want to accomplish in 2016? Make a plan to make this your best year ever! All of us know what Albert Einstein stated, "If you don't have a plan, then you are planning to fail!" What's your plan? As I look back at 2015, I would have to say that I have been in a learning and planning mode the better part of the year. With a lot of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, I took a leap of faith to chase some of my dreams... and I am chasing! So, what am I chasing? I want to successfully learn how (1) to blog more productively; (2) to finish and publish two books that I have been promising myself I would put my nose to the grindstone and do; (3) to be more productive with my time and talents; (4) to enjoy family, especially my Drew man, Jace, and our newest princess -- Lily Kate more and more; (5) to continue my journey for better health and wellness... among several others. During the month of January, we will take a hard, investigative look at some ways that you can successfully accomplish what you want to do! Happy New Year Friends and have a great day!

Love to All!


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